Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Amnael Deck

Card: None
Deck: Destruction Brings Life
Monsters: 1x Cyber Jar; 3x D.D. Survivor; 3x Golden Homunculus; 3x Gren Maju da
          Eiza; 3x Homunculus the Alchemic Being; 2x Magical Merchant; 1x
          Morphing Jar; 2x Morphing Jar #2
Spells:   3x Alchemic Kettle - Chaos Distill; 1x Card Destruction; 2x Chaos
          End; 1x Chaos Greed; 1x Dark Hole; 2x Fiend's Sanctuary; 1x Heavy
          Storm; 1x Mystical Space Typhoon; 1x Pot of Greed; 1x Premature
          Burial; 1x Scapegoat; 1x Soul Release; 1x Swords of Revealing Light
Traps:    1x Call of the Haunted; 2x Solemn Judgment; 2x Wall of Revealing
Fusions:  None
Deck: Beat of Eternity
Monsters: 2x Banisher of the Light; 2x Banisher of the Radiance; 3x D.D.
          Assailant; 3x D.D. Survivor; 1x D.D. Warrior Lady; 2x Helios - The
          Primordial Sun; 2x Helios Duo Megistus; 1x Helios Tris Megistus
Spells:   Card Destruction; 1x Chaos Greed; 1x Dark Hole; 3x Grand Convergence;
          1x Heavy Storm; 1x Mystical Space Typhoon; 2x Nobleman of Crossout;
          1x Pot of Greed; 1x Premature Burial; 1x Scapegoat; 1x Soul Release;
          1x Swords of Revealing Light
Traps:    1x Call of the Haunted; 1x Karma Cut; 3x Macro Cosmos; 2x Solemn
          Judgment; 2x Wall of Revealing Light
Fusions:  None

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